Welcome to The B-List.
Part story, part toolbox: ideas on finding success and personal fulfillment in music.
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How Are You Making It Difficult?
It’s not bad to feel nervous or concerned - what matters is my ability to flip the focus around to the right things. To allow the emotions to come up and pass away because they are just emotions - not facts.
Once I figured out that it was me in the way, and how I was slowing myself down, it got easier to make better choices.
Word Of The Year: 2022
So, here’s to living with spirit in 2022. And, a little encouragement to choose a word for yourself.
A Container For Yourself
The goal is not to escape, but rather to help yourself find a way to be in the present moment with a clear head.
Personal Agreements for Healthy Learning
Education is built upon a series of agreements from everyone involved.
In life and scales
Most of us are more capable than we give ourselves credit for. We become discouraged when we can’t do something instantly or quickly, dismissing it as a failure. Designate your goal and determine the work that needs to be done. Create a plan and commit to it. Put in the work.
Pathway practicing
When we practice in a truly productive way, we identify the difficult transitions and dissect the issues using informed practice techniques from the toolbox we fill during our studies. In turn, our brain builds stronger and stronger pathways for the actions we need.
Oxygen over-saturation in life and flute playing
Most of us habitually over-breathe. Check yourself right now: is your mouth open? Are you breathing in and out of your mouth while you read? Let’s talk about how your everyday breathing habits are affecting your musicianship.
Note taking: the key to success
Suggestions for how we can get the most out of our lessons and efforts while in school through tracking and reflection.
Building your toolbox
The moment you realize that you have all the tools at your disposal is the moment you can access your full potential, and it’s available to you any time.
Mindfulness in action
Thoughts and feelings are not truths, rather, they're events that we can choose to participate in or not.
Where to begin: intentional practice
How to connect with yourself to create more productive and intentional practice sessions.
The wind that flows: Using the 5 vayus to improve your playing
Using your breath as a musician in unexpected ways.